Monday, June 11, 2007

So have you heard that ___?____ is coming to town?

Hello everyone. I'm BACK!

Where did I go? I wish I knew.

In any case, things are as they should be. I'd like to announce that we are now the proud owners of! Clicking on that link is pointless. You're already here. But I put it there so you could try it out. If you wanted to. Cos I did. Four times.

Anyway, now you don't have to type in a really long url in order to read our blog (this is actually debatable, but you've gotten used to the name by now, right?). But on to the reason for me posting:

Where are you going to go see bands this summer in NYC? Do you even know?

Maybe you do. But just in case you're like me and need to have all your info in one place or else it is everywhere and you can't find anything and then you get really sad because you don't know where you left anything and...

Here's a list of some of the shows (many of which are free!) that you can check out this summer.

McCarren Park Pool Parties:

This is a really cool thinger that happens for a bunch of sundays in the summertime. It's a giant community pool that lacks water but has amazing bands (TV on the Radio, Blonde Redhead) that you can check out for the low, low price of $0.

Southstreet Seaport Music Festival:

Here's one that already started. A very impressive line up indeed. I'm going to try and make it to Battles. I have to know they make the sounds they make.

Music at Prospect Park in Brooklyn:

For some local flair, check out this long list of events happening in my home town. Prospect Park is absolutely beautiful right now, so I highly suggest going. And make sure that either before or after you've checked out these performances you go over to the pedal-boats and ride em.

Siren Festival:

This is a great one. Hosted by the Village Voice, in Coney Island, on what will most likely be the hottest fucking day of the year. The line up looks really great. I've been hearing a lot about Matt and Kim, and Elvis Perkins from friends so this should be really fun. I'll probably be spending a ton of money on merch and my wallet will die. So it goes.

So those are just some of the really cool shows you can see this summer. Do not forget to check out the bands we talk about in this blog when they play this summer. We're going to try and implement some kind of system where we will list their showdates for your convenience.

Hopefully I'll be seeing you at some of these shows. Like I said, most are free and this is probably the best thing you could be doing with your time so check them out. Tell friends.


Thanks to Jon for the info.

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