Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Knocked Up Makes Me Rethink Motherhood

I've always been a little skeptical on the idea of motherhood. Well, I could only be this way because I'm 22 and still on my way to getting a job and a life of my own. But then I think of the numerous stories my mother tells me about giving birth.

You were a stubborn baby and didn't arrive until two weeks past your due date. It was a hellish birth and I ended up getting a C-section.

That is not scary enough. With all my ideas of child rearing, I went and saw Knocked up with Katherine Heigl and Seth Rogen. It sounded like a good movie hearing about the reviews and anything by Judd Apatow seems to turn to gold.

And it did turn out to be one of the funniest films I've watched this summer so far. It's about a woman named Alison (Heigl) and a man named Ben (Rogen) who engage in an one night stand. The audience watches everything. They see them meet, get drunk, go to her sister's poolhouse (her apartment), and begin the ritual act of having sex. We even see Ben carelessly throw the condom on the floor when Alison in a pit of sexual desire screams "Just do it already."

Don't worry. I haven't given away the plot yet. The film is called Knocked Up because she doesn't have a baby. It's about the process of having a baby. Since Alison and Ben aren't so close to each other, they begin to date in hopes to bettering the future of their child. That's where the real drama begins.

However, it's not the only point in the film. Knocked Up is riddled with funny banter between Ben's friends and Alison's sister and her husband. It is definitely the movie to watch when you're in your mid-twenties. It's almost like watching a quarter-life crisis that ends happily and definitely not tragically.

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