Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Courtney Love, you are so funny

Courtney Love announced on her website that she is putting her band back together.

On NME.com, Love's latest blog entry includes news that one of her new members looks exactly like Kurt Cobain, her ex-husband.

She quotes:
Another (guy) I found out later models on the side...but I'll admit it, I really hired him 'cos he looks so much like Kurt. It's weird, and he can play really well. He didn't kill me but he swore if I gave him a week he'd learn everything. He's blonde and soooooooo beautiful and his guitar playing is great.

I wonder if her new man will become her new husband and father to Francis Bean. But then again, having a member of your band look like your late husband could come off as either 1) disrespectful or 2) fucking creepy.

My second reason comes from the fact that the guy is dead. What if you were on stage and your boyfriend/husband who had died a decade ago plays right next to you. Wouldn't you have a freak out and completely forget it's not him? I would.

But Love also admits to him playing pretty decently, so she has other reasons for hiring him. Maybe she'll just put him behind the drummer or wearing a KFC bucket for a hat.

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