Tuesday, June 5, 2007

June Greetings and Franz Ferdinand

I love when you start off the month with good news. It's like starting with a clean slate. What good news could I be talking about? Perhaps it's the recent capture of known villain Paris Hilton. Her tyranny over the people of Beverly Hills has finally come to an end.

But enough about Paris. Let's talk about Glasgow. According to NME.com, Franz Ferdinand is making a blip on the radar. While the band was away on hiatus, I don't remember the world in dire need of the band. Personally, I haven't listened to them since "Take Me Out."

Franz Ferdinand played their top secret gig in Glasgow revealing five new songs called 'Anyone In Love', 'New Thrill', 'An English Goodbye', 'Favourite Lie' and 'Turn It On.'
Of the new material, 'New Thrill' received the warmest reaction from the fans, while old favourites 'Matinee' and '40' were lapped up by the screaming crowd.

I guess the blip will get bigger with a new album, a touring session, and miles and miles of publicity up the ass on MTV. It probably was a good idea to take a hiatus with such extreme amounts of celebrity approaching the band. Paris should have thought of that before getting in a car drunk.

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