Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Oh my god.

It's sad to say that I'm just getting into The White Stripes. By "getting into" I mean, of course, that I've been head over heels obsessed with them. I could go into a long post about the reasons why - and I was going to do this. But then I came across a video on youtube that made me orgasm about thirteen times. It explains why I like this band and why I want so badly to be Jack White so that I can be that cool and also claim to have shared a bed with the unbelievably sexy Meg White and also why I am so excited for their new album. Ah, that was a mouthful. Just watch the video, goddamnit.

Then go to their Myspace and listen to the new single, "Icky Thump" - which sounds exactly the way its name does. Ah, they're so GOOD.

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