Monday, April 2, 2007

Trent Reznor's Gonna Make it Happen

According to Billboard Online, Trent Reznor has been leaking music from his newest album Year Zero through various websites, flash drives in men's bathrooms, and secret messages sent out to the fans. Of course, this is old news. If you're one of those crazy hardcore NIN fans, then you've known for quite some time that Reznor has been leaking his own music online.

I guess he's a big supporter of pirating music. Then again, this is Trent Reznor. If anyone is going to fight the system, it's going to be him. After years of living an unstable lifestyle, I think Reznor has finally gotten his head screwed on right. He's definitely no Lars Ulrich and fight against the demonic music traders, but he's probably got some fancy training in publicity.

Not only did Reznor approve of the songs being leaked, but he also thought up the idea of putting flash drives in mens' bathrooms at various concert venues. Think about it, what more would you want than a stick of memory while you're taking a piss in an arena-size urinal? The clever frontman can do it all.

And this gets me to the topic of the post: piracy. People search endlessly online for leaks of albums that won't release for another month or so. Some people just stumble upon them and grab them that way while others search every possible Google combination of words.

Then there are artists like Trent Reznor who believe that music should be free. Not completely free, but on a song-by-song basis. I think more artists should follow along in his example. Rather than having an entire album release, why not try a song or two. Not even the songs that will eventually become singles, but a random choice off the list. Not only does it gives the fans a taste of the album, it promotes the artist to becoming superstars. See, Lars, pirates are cool (if you didn't get that from those Johnny Depp movies).

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