Monday, April 2, 2007

A supplement to Simone's previous post.

I was over at Engadget just now and read this wonderful post about Microsoft making some efforts to limit DRMs in the Zune player. This is very, very big news.

While we can't exactly give Microsoft any kind of credit for being innovative here (after all, they're just going with the flow), I will say that this is a big step in the right direction that Mr. Gates and Co. are taking. A world without DRMs is a prettier world to live in. But you have to laugh at statements like
Consumers have indicated [having DRM free music] is important to them so Zune has been working with a variety of partners to head in this direction
when these sorts of realizations come so late in the game, and only after someone else in the industry does something about it first. It seems hopeful though, so let's keep our fingers crossed.

So if Apple and EMI are going to sell higher audio quality mp3s at a higher price, there might just be a time when the majority of albums will be digital-only releases through stores like iTunes. DRMs and shitty 128kbs mp3s made all digital releases sound like a horrible idea to me in the past. But now I am not so sure. Thewayofthefuture. Thewayofthefuture. Thewayofthefuture.

And to answer your question, Simone... sure you've got your Lars Ulrich(es) but you also have your David Byrne(s) too.

1 comment:

Simone said...

David Byrne is the man. I love him.