Thursday, April 5, 2007

I've Been Tired... In school.

Ok. I very rarely remember my dreams but I just woke up from one of the most bizarre/cool ones I have ever had.

So - I am back in my 8th grade classroom, writing down a secret note that I stuffed in a miniature manilla envelope. I pass the note to the kid in front of me when the teacher isn't looking (she is quietly walking around making sure everyone is doing classwork in silence). He takes the note from me and reads it and the next thing you know I hear something come out of the the kid two seats behind me. He goes:
One two three
She's a real left winger 'cause she been down south
And held peasants in her arms
She said "I could tell you a story that could make you cry"
"What about you?"
I said "Me too"
Well, I never look back at the kid, but in my dream it's sort of understood that he's an 8th grade Charles Thompson, AKA as Black Francis, AKA Frank Black of the Pixies - pounding out the drum beat of the song on his desk. Lord knows where the guitar is coming from. And by the time he reaches the chorus, the little girl behind him comes in shouting:
I've been tired! I've been tired! I've been tired!
A little Kim Deal. Awesome!

Class and teacher stand amazed, and a little angry. I decide that this is "punk rock" at its finest. I am also convinced in my dream that this must be the original performance that is heard on the recording of the song that is used on the record Come On Pilgrim. Well, it isn't.

It's just my dream. But here's the real one in all it's glory.

Pixies - I've Been Tired

Just be careful how many times you listen to the record or you might end up with some uninvited visitors in your sleep. Though, maybe if it's these guys that's not such a bad thing.

Keep in mind, I didn't even know who the Pixies were in 8th grade but I have now decided that my children absolutely will. And as for what secret note was in the manilla envelope... it was whatever this guy says:

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