Thursday, April 5, 2007

Dick Dale's Deal.

Now here is something interesting. Surf Rock guitarist Dick Dale was asked what advice he would give to aspiring musicians.
It sounds like very good advice - and it would in fact leave your integrity intact, jack.

However, I'm not so sure that Mr. Dale takes into account just how difficult it is to become noticed by people like Nissan or Mountain Dew without the right amount of clout. And depending on where you live, grassroots build-up might not be enough to get that attention. Thankfully the internet makes the world a whole lot smaller.

I thought this was an interesting thing to post considering all the stuff going on with EMI and iTunes. Even though the sale of digital media just got a lot better, artists are still going to be on the losing end of the deal. More money will be charged for their songs and yet they probably won't receive one cent above what they previously got. At least not yet, anyway. It seems that Dale's advice (even if it isn't exactly the newest idea) is becoming more relevant with each day.

If you don't know about it already then check out this website: CD Baby. You can start your own store, sell your cd, and even get your music onto itunes for digital download. Though I'm not entirely sure if indie music even gets DRMs loaded onto them and I don't know if people will be able to buy higher quality recordings of indie music either.

Another place you can go is here: Stolen Radio. They're trying to get the same kind of deal going. Artists can sell their digital music through the store.


[Thanks to Boing Boing for pointing out the Dale interview]

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