Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Village Ultragrrrl

I just finished reading an article about Ultragrrrl on the Village Voice Website. She's the cover for the past week and this week she will be replaced by something depressing like the war in Iraq. But for this week, she's the witch of the west burned at the stake.

I don't think she's worthy enough to get the treatment of a Salem witch, but perhaps it's suiting for her. If you know Ultragrrrl then you know about her scandalous job: she's into music. For the first time in the history of rock (I'm making this up), a girl with no musical background, no writing background, no nothing, is praised for having the greatest ears in music today. She can hear a band and instantly know if they're any good. If she's into them, then the whole country will be? I find that to be a little bit absurd. Perhaps it's my bitterness that's getting the better of me, but I have been working my ASS off to get recognition not only as a music critic, but as a musician as well. So my musician days are over, at least I still keep the dream alive to be involved with music in any way possible: I chose to be a critic.

And Ultragrrrl could probably stir a crowd of less-than-average hipsters. I'm surprised that all it took for her to become someone who record execs listen to was for her to say "this is bullshit" or something like that. Here's a quote from her ever-coveted-but-people-think-she's-a-poser-to-have-a-blog blog:

i'm back from south by south west (aka sxsw), and boy is my body aching me. let me explain something to you about sxsw -- it's basically a ton of people in the music industry, converging onto austin like ants to a pile of shit. in this case, the shit is replaced by free booze, bbq, and band... we're all still fucking ants though. little, creepy, crawling ants pissing in a port-a-potty and making out in a back alley.

Words of wisdom. These are fucking pearls right here. Unfortunately, my stance with Ultragrrrl is flip-flopping like Kerry in the 2004 elections. I'm not really sure what to think of this girl. Yeah, she's cool to introduce all these bands into the music scene, but she is also a menace to society for a lot of people.

So in summation: I think she's alright in my book. Don't mind my wish-washy conditions.

Ultragrrrl's (aka Sarah's) online blog can be found here:

sarah's so boring ever since she stopped drinking

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